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Why It Is Hard To Lose Weight After 40
Why It Is Hard To Lose Weight After 40
by Tehmina Zamir

Losing weight is as hard as gaining it. But it becomes remarkably arduous when your age spans 40. Today we are going to find out why does it happen so. Why is it not easy to lose weight in old age? To find out the actual reasons, read ...

4 Top Secrets to Anti-Aging
4 Top Secrets to Anti-Aging
by Tehmina Zamir

You may have noticed that film stars and models etc. usually look young, even though if they are aged. Have you ever wondered how these people reverse their age? Yes, but I didn’t know the answer. We will tell you the answer here. This is because they follow...

Common Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight
Common Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight
by Tehmina Zamir

Losing weight is as hard as gaining weight under fast metabolism. However, it is not impossible to do so. Only consistency and a few tips are required. Yet, there are many reasons why a person is not able to lose weight. Some of these ...

4 Most Important Things You Need To Know About COVID-19
4 Most Important Things You Need To Know About COVID-19
by Tehmina Zamir

Probably the most serious issue running all over the world for the past 2 months is COVID-19, i.e. Corona Virus. It all started in the early days of 2020 when China’s famous city Wuhan got fully covered with this deadly virus. With t...

Flawless Exercises to a Bulletproof Neck
Flawless Exercises to a Bulletproof Neck
by Tehmina Zamir

Once you get entered into a state of neck pain or severe injury of the neck, it is quite hard to get rid of it. It may prove to be fatal and can also result in a lifetime of bad posture. People often follow numerous kinds of lifestyle ...

Super Healthy Meals That You Should Eat
Super Healthy Meals That You Should Eat
by Tehmina Zamir

Healthy food diet means a healthy life. It is necessary to find out what foods can be healthiest for you. A vast amount of healthy foods are delicious, few are unpleasant to taste as well like yummy vegetables, sweet fruits, and rich n...

How to Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster
How to Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster
by Tehmina Zamir

Everyone has set his/her fitness goals. To reach these goals, they work as hard as possible. They squat, do pushup, lunge, walk, and do many more things like that to become fit. But are still unable to reach the required goals. Luckily...

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Exercises to Improve Your Mind and Body

Some Necessary Bodyweight Exercises You Must Do

Top Most Studied Genes In Human Body

Dealing With Stress in a Better Way

Brief Detail About AVP Gene

Essential Health Guides for a Healthy Life

Activities You Can Do To Stay Active This Summer

Healthy Habits For a Healthy Lifestyle

Some Effortless Tips To Manage Your Family

What Lifestyle Changes You Need To Do From Today

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Exercises to Improve Your Mind and Body
Exercises to Improve Your Mind and Body
Exercise Benefits: There are many benefits to routine wo...
Some Necessary Bodyweight Exercises You Must Do
Some Necessary Bodyweight Exercises You Must Do
In the fitness realm, bodyweight workouts have abundant commi...
Top Most Studied Genes In Human Body
Top Most Studied Genes In Human Body
There are millions of genes present inside the human body tha...
Dealing With Stress in a Better Way
Dealing With Stress in a Better Way
Stress has been one of the dominant factors that increase the...
Brief Detail About AVP Gene
Brief Detail About AVP Gene
One of the millions of genes present inside our body, and ric...
Essential Health Guides for a Healthy Life
Essential Health Guides for a Healthy Life
Health guides are a crucial aspect of life for a healthy life...

Our Blogs

6 Unnoticed Weight Loss Myths
by Tehmina Zamir

Millions of people are worried about their extra weight and fat. They have tried numerous medications, workouts, diet plans, and many other processes to lose their weight. But the problem has been sol...

Reasons To Engage in Anaerobic Exercises
by Tehmina Zamir

Today we are going to discuss serious reasons to engage yourself in anaerobic exercises. But before that, let us get a short overview of what this exercise does. Anaerobic exe...

Visualize Your Way to Weight Loss
by Tehmina Zamir

Thousands of people are continuously trying to lose weight for many years. But many of them are unable to do so. Ever thought why? Because they are always inconsistent in achieving their goals and are...

Fitness Hacks For 2020
by Tehmina Zamir

Hack, in other sense, is considered as a cheat. But here these hacks refer to tricks and tips that you should act upon. Fitness hacks will help you to stay healthy, build up b...

What Morning Stretches Can You Do At Home
by Tehmina Zamir

Stretching is one of the best ways to make your body more balanced and flexible. It widely affects your physical health if done in the morning. Yes, it can be hard for anyone ...

Brief Detail About AVP Gene
by Tehmina Zamir

One of the millions of genes present inside our body, and richly associated with our health and water weight, is the AVP Gene. This gene has the task of providing instructions...

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