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Signs That Shows You Are Over-Eating Probiotics
Signs That Shows You Are Over-Eating Probiotics

Before we start a brief discussion about the signs of overtaking probiotics, we must know what it means. Probiotics are those essential and crucial bacterias that are present inside your body and help to promote a better digestive system. It also improves your immune system and betters your health. Many probiotic foods are available in the market, such as Soy Tempe, Miso Soup, Sourdough Bread, Kombucha, Sauerkraut, and Dairy Products, etc. All these foods minimize harmful bacteria present inside your intestines and help to breakdown food from there. However, many peoples are taking too many probiotics, but they don’t realize anything. Nonetheless, there is no need to worry anymore. In this blog, we will acknowledge you about such signs that show you are taking overeating probiotics. 

Sign 1. Bloating

What is Bloating? Basically, it has many definitions. But here, it refers to 

Swallowing of belly after eating some food. It is probably the most common sign to show that you are taking too many probiotics. The disease usually causes too much pain and gives a discomforted feeling. Moreover, it contains many types of digestive distress. You must be wondering that how bloating occurs. Virtually, when your abdomen fills with excess air, it causes bloating. So if you feel anything like it, you must avoid probiotic for some time. 

Sign 2. Gas

Somewhat similar to bloating is gas. These both often go hand in hand. The more the gas is, the more is bloating. It is hard to believe but, the digestive system itself produces an average amount of gas inside the human body, which is 13 to 21. When you overtake probiotic supplements, they provide useful digestive bacteria, but this overdose produces gas inside. 

Sign 3. Diarrhea

Often considered as a death-defying disease, diarrhea, is a very inferior symbol, that you are taking too many probiotics. Diarrhea has a deep link with abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea. If diarrhea is acute, it goes away on its own in two to three days. Probiotics, especially Lactobacillus & Saccharomyces, are great for reducing the duration of diarrhea. But if you overdose it, you may suffer from loose stools and many other severe effects. Therefore, you must avoid it. For your betterness, a list of general symptoms of diarrhea is given below:

  • Abdominal Cramps & Pain
  • Fever, usually above 102?
  • Blood or Mucus in the Stool
  • Urgent Need to Have a Bowel Movement

Sign 4. Abdominal Pain

The final sign and easy one to detect is abdominal pain. Overdosing of probiotics usually causes severe pain in the abdomen. It may also result in cramps or tightness of abdominal pain. Feeling any of the above signs in yourself? Just stop taking probiotics for some time, and your health will be better again. You can eat antibiotics if prescribed by the doctor. Moreover, you can also contact us to resolve any of the issues or misunderstandings you are facing.

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