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Common Mistakes That you Do While Muscles Build Up
Common Mistakes That you Do While Muscles Build Up
by Tehmina Zamir

People often consider it disguise that they are working so hard to gain muscles but still unable to achieve the set goals. This disguise discourages them so much and many of them stop trying. Many fitness goals like looking healthy, ea...

How to Infuse Fun in Fitness and Remove Boredom
How to Infuse Fun in Fitness and Remove Boredom
by Tehmina Zamir

Boredom is one of the common reasons due to which many trainers and builders are unable to achieve their set goals. It is a natural practice that a person gets bored if he does the same tasks multiple times. The same happens with those...

How to Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster
How to Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster
by Tehmina Zamir

Everyone has set his/her fitness goals. To reach these goals, they work as hard as possible. They squat, do pushup, lunge, walk, and do many more things like that to become fit. But are still unable to reach the required goals. Luckily...

Why You Are Unable to Recognize Stress
Why You Are Unable to Recognize Stress
by Tehmina Zamir

People often consider stress as a bad thing only. But it is not necessarily true. Stress is an inevitable part of life and you cannot cope with it easily. Sometimes all you need is to achieve your goal i.e Stress. Because stress can be...

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Exercises to Improve Your Mind and Body

Some Necessary Bodyweight Exercises You Must Do

Top Most Studied Genes In Human Body

Dealing With Stress in a Better Way

Brief Detail About AVP Gene

Essential Health Guides for a Healthy Life

Activities You Can Do To Stay Active This Summer

Healthy Habits For a Healthy Lifestyle

Some Effortless Tips To Manage Your Family

What Lifestyle Changes You Need To Do From Today

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Exercises to Improve Your Mind and Body
Exercises to Improve Your Mind and Body
Exercise Benefits: There are many benefits to routine wo...
Some Necessary Bodyweight Exercises You Must Do
Some Necessary Bodyweight Exercises You Must Do
In the fitness realm, bodyweight workouts have abundant commi...
Top Most Studied Genes In Human Body
Top Most Studied Genes In Human Body
There are millions of genes present inside the human body tha...
Dealing With Stress in a Better Way
Dealing With Stress in a Better Way
Stress has been one of the dominant factors that increase the...
Brief Detail About AVP Gene
Brief Detail About AVP Gene
One of the millions of genes present inside our body, and ric...
Essential Health Guides for a Healthy Life
Essential Health Guides for a Healthy Life
Health guides are a crucial aspect of life for a healthy life...

Our Blogs

Accessories You Need To Wear During Walking In Winter
by Tehmina Zamir

If you are a citizen or countryman of any of the northern areas in the world, you can understand how cold it is. The temperature is usu...

Pelvic Floor Exercises For Women
by Tehmina Zamir

Many women who gave birth to a child or get older often feel that their Pelvic Muscles are getting weaker which is surely dangerous and often proves fatal for t...

Top 5 Benefits of Celery Juice
by Tehmina Zamir

Recently, a new juice is gaining popularity at different online shopping centers. This juice has vast advantages in human health. With no wonder, it is the Cele...

A Nine Minute Bodyweight Workout
by Tehmina Zamir

It usually takes 1-1.5 hours to complete your gym workout and move ahead toward your goals. But this 9-minute workout isn’t bad at al...

How Rotator Cuff Exercises are Helpful
by Tehmina Zamir

The word Rotator Cuff might sound weird and mysterious to some people, but deep down, its the part of our body. The rotator cuff is mad...

Why Should You Avoid Overdoing Cardio
by Tehmina Zamir

Cardio is an excellent exercise that has a vast number of advantages in the fitness world. It converts a man into an entirely new fit l...

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