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How Rotator Cuff Exercises are Helpful
How Rotator Cuff Exercises are Helpful

The word Rotator Cuff might sound weird and mysterious to some people, but deep down, its the part of our body. The rotator cuff is made up of multiple muscles and tendons. Their role is to attach your bones to your shoulder as well as a form of a protective shield to prevent several devastating injuries while performing numerous types of workouts. Also, they to power up and stabilize your posture during exercise or any kind of shoulder movement. 

As the rotator cuff is located near your shoulders, so you often overuse it. Since excess of everything is bad, so this rotator cuff requires some relaxation. And the relaxation is only offered by the exercises that we are going to discuss here today. Read the blog until the end and find out some amazing facts and figures about rotator cuff exercises. 

Doorway Stretch

Doorway Stretch is pretty entertaining and an easy move to do. It doesn’t require any specific equipment or a trainer. However, you must warm up your shoulders and neck before this work. Once you do so, stand in the doorway and place your hands on both sides of the doorway. Try to push yourself and add up all of your weight on your hands. While keeping all your weight on your hands, take a forward and a backward step. Repeat it for at least 20 seconds and relax. 

Side-Lying external rotation

Once you are relaxed from the doorway stretch, move ahead to this easy and convenient move. In fact, it is a daily life move we do when we get tired. Lie down on the opposite side of the injured arm and lift a dumbbell in hand. The angle of the injured cuff should be perfectly 90 degrees, while the dumbbell should be a light one. Hold the dumbell up for a few seconds before returning to the start position. 3 sets of this workout will be enough. 

High-to-Low Rows

The word Rotator Cuff might sound weird and mysterious to some people, but deep down, its the part of our body. The rotator cuff is made up of multiple muscles and tendons. Their role is to attach your bones to your shoulder as well as a form of a protective shield to prevent several devastating injuries while performing numerous types of workouts. Also, they to power up and stabilize your posture during exercise or any kind of shoulder movement. 

As the rotator cuff is located near your shoulders, so you often overuse it. Since excess of everything is bad, so this rotator cuff requires some relaxation. And the relaxation is only offered by the exercises that we are going to discuss here today. Read the blog until the end and find out some amazing facts and figures about rotator cuff exercises. 

Doorway Stretch

Doorway Stretch is pretty entertaining and an easy move to do. It doesn’t require any specific equipment or a trainer. However, you must warm up your shoulders and neck before this work. Once you do so, stand in the doorway and place your hands on both sides of the doorway. Try to push yourself and add up all of your weight on your hands. While keeping all your weight on your hands, take a forward and a backward step. Repeat it for at least 20 seconds and relax. 

Side-Lying external rotation

Once you are relaxed from the doorway stretch, move ahead to this easy and convenient move. In fact, it is a daily life move we do when we get tired. Lie down on the opposite side of the injured arm and lift a dumbbell in hand. The angle of the injured cuff should be perfectly 90 degrees, while the dumbbell should be a light one. Hold the dumbell up for a few seconds before returning to the start position. 3 sets of this workout will be enough. 

High-to-Low Rows

This exercise requires power, equipment, and strong legs. You need to bend down on a knee in front of the equipment and grasp its rope. Make sure you grasped the rope with your injured arm. Now pull it with full force and take it near your knees and release it again. Continue it till your hand feels some relaxing pain and then stop it. Then repeat the process again. 

The other two exercises for rotator cuff are reverse fly and lawnmower pull. 

Before you do this workout, make you sure to ask the following questions from your doctor:

  • What should I do if the exercise causes pain?
  • How long do I need to do exercise?
  • Are there any other exercises I should do?


This exercise requires power, equipment, and strong legs. You need to bend down on a knee in front of the equipment and grasp its rope. Make sure you grasped the rope with your injured arm. Now pull it with full force and take it near your knees and release it again. Continue it till your hand feels some relaxing pain and then stop it. Then repeat the process again. 

The other two exercises for rotator cuff are reverse fly and lawnmower pull. 

Before you do this workout, make you sure to ask the following questions from your doctor:

  • What should I do if the exercise causes pain?
  • How long do I need to do exercise?
  • Are there any other exercises I should do?

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