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Effects Of Genes on Your Health
Effects Of Genes on Your Health

You might have noticed that your hair, skin, and eyes color is most similar to your parent. Have you ever thought about why it happens so? Here we will find out the answer to this FAQ. It all happens due to the genes that are transmitted from parents to their children. Now let us get a brief detail about what are genes.

Each cell inside a DNA has small pieces that refer to genes. These genes are transmitted from parents to the children. Your genes are responsible to tell the cell what to do. According to the genes, your cells grow and divide. In the future, it controls your hairs, skin, and eyes color, etc. moreover, the process of transmission of genes from parent to child is known as heredity. To find more about it, read the blog till the end. 

Do Gene Cause Problem

One of the most FAQ is that does gene cause query. And if they really do, then at what instant. When the transmission of genes from parent to child turns into mutation, it causes several problems. These mutations are existing in everyone’s cell and are very efficient in one’s health. However, most of the mutation cells are harmless. But when it causes a suffering condition, it results in a genetic disorder. 

How Genetic Disorder is Caused

  • Different types of mutations take place and contribute to the genetic disorder. Some of them are briefly described below:
  • Incorrect Copies: orderly gene transmission from parent to child is called a correct copy. But when the transmission is crashed and the gene changes, it causes incorrect copies. Cancer and Diabetes are the results of false copies. 
  • Fewer Copies: normally, a child is born with two genes, one from each parent. But when a child borns with only one gene, it causes a genetic disorder. Alzheimer’s Disease is caused due to it. 
  • Unstable Chromosomes: A human body is made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes and each of them stores a gene. When a child is born with an extra or less chromosome, they result in Chromosome Abnormality. Chromosome Abnormality can cause Down Syndrome and Trisomy 13. 

That’s how the genes affect your health. Before ending up, we must follow a path that will lead us to improved health even in genetic disorders. Follow the tips mentioned below to prevent diseases, and improve your health. 

  • Regulate A Healthy Diet: Eat healthy food and strengthen your immune system. Eat more fruits & vegetables, and limit the use of sugar & fat.
  • Regularly Exercise: start doing cardio, HIIT, and other workouts on a daily basis. Give at least 30 minutes to workout per day.
  • Avoid Smoking: avoiding smoking to avoid cancer due to genetic disorder. If not possible, then at least reduce its use. 
  • See your Doctor: regularly see your doctor and appoint check up on a regular basis. Do not take time to for any kind of required treatment. 
  • Get a Family History

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