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Exercises to Strengthen Gluteus Muscles
Exercises to Strengthen Gluteus Muscles

Glutes have great importance in the fitness field. They are essential for proper pelvic alignment, propulsion during the running, strong posture, and even single-limb stance support. People mostly neglect the workouts of gluteus medius and just carry on hitting the gym hard along with cardio exercises. As a result, their glute does not remain as strong as it was before, and hence, the risk of lower-body injury increases. Since glute muscles are the largest ones in the human body, therefore, it must be kept active. For this, we have come here with some exercises that will strengthen and improve your gluteus medius. These exercises are briefly described below. 

Weighted Dead Lift

This workout requires some equipment. But most importantly, it demands some overwhelming power of you. Moreover, your spine and upper body must also be strong. To perform it, stand with your feet parallel and hip-width apart. Hold the dumbbells of such weight which doesn’t make you uncomfortable. Remember to keep your spine long to feel comfortable. Now squeeze your glutes as you fold from the hips and fully give control to your glutes to manage your descent and ascent. Hold the position for some time and the exercise is completed.

Weighted Hip Extension.

Unlike weight deadlift, this exercise requires no equipment except a good posture. Place both hands and knees on the floor along with feet. Now keep your belly drawn in and the shoulders back down. Then lift up ur one bent leg using the power of your glute. Don’t forget to balance your whole body on that one leg. Once your leg is tired, lift it up and change the side. Repeat the same process and you are done with it. 


Here comes a well-known workout on the list. Yes, lunge, one of the most frequently performed exercises, is helpful to strengthen your gluteus medius. It is good if you lift some weight while doing it. Though, it can be done simply as well. The best choice is to practice a few simple lunges and then add some weight. In the lunge, you need to keep your front shin vertical and right above your ankle. Give 10 to 12 reps on each side and get ready for the next one. 


The next must-do exercise is a complex posture. In fact, it is a staple of any glute workout. The bridge requires cores, legs, and arms, and provides an increase in strength in the upper body. Peel your spine off the mat and lift your hips until you feel most of your weight on your shoulder blades. Its time to squeeze your glutes again, while keeping the core, as well as thighs, engaged. Another workout that you can try is:

  • Weighted Squats

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