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Why It Is Hard To Lose Weight After 40
Why It Is Hard To Lose Weight After 40

Losing weight is as hard as gaining it. But it becomes remarkably arduous when your age spans 40. Today we are going to find out why does it happen so. Why is it not easy to lose weight in old age? To find out the actual reasons, read the blog till the end. There’s a lot to cover today, so let us start now. 


When you cross the age of forty, the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone increases. As a result, the total production of hormones also increases. Since your weight is well dependent on hormones, therefore it becomes quite hard to gain weight. 

On the other hand, hormones are also affected by estrogen present inside the women’s bodies. The increment of it results in more strong hormones and fewer chances of losing weight. 


As described earlier, that estrogen is present inside your body. It not only strengthens the hormones but also slowdowns the metabolism rate. Thus, the natural burning rate of calories slows down. As your body weight depends on how many calories you take and burn, so it becomes hard to lose weight with a slow metabolism. Other things that affect your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) includes workouts & exercises, and thermic effect of food.

Muscle Mass

Almost all the muscle mass of your body is closely related to metabolism. If your muscle mass is high, the metabolism rate is also high, and vice versa. Since the muscle mass of a person gets decreased as the age passes, the metabolism also gets slower, which makes it quite tough to lose weight. 

Insulin Resistance

Probably the foremost cause of finding it hard to lose weight after forty is Insulin Resistance. Basically, insulin is a hormone that increases glycogen storage inside the human body. It also offers glycogen synthesis and transfer of glucose into skeletal muscles. Over time, as you get older, your body tends to reduce the production of this insulin. It directly causes insulin resistance, which makes it harder for your cells to spend energy.

Lack of Sleep

It is natural that as soon as someone gets aged, he stops taking care of his health and food. When the age gets passed forty, the person lacks quality and comfort sleep. He spends most of its time idle and feels uncomfortable in doing any activity. This factor can also be the reason for not losing weight efficiently. 

Fortunately, it is not impossible to lose weight after forty. But you have to work extremely hard. For this, the best idea is to build muscles and muscle mass. It will automatically improve your metabolism rate. More calories will be burned. And losing weight will become pretty simple than usual.

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