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Exercises for breaking powerlifting
Exercises for breaking powerlifting

PRS, in terms of fitness and gym, is your record. When you set a goal to achieve, it’s either below par or above your reach. As in the past, you have fixed your record. And unfortunately, you never tried to surpass it. It is a fact that your body is such a powerful tool that can often surprise you. Using this fact, here we will describe a few exercises or workouts for breaking powerlifting PRS. Perform these workouts and surpass your limits to challenge your body.

Split Squats

One of the most common squats in the fitness arena, the split squat, can be an excellent choice to challenge yourself. It is very uncommon in powerlifting that the trainer fails to rep at the top of the movement itself, as there is no reliance on a lifting singlet. However, you need to be very strong throughout. Moreover, while performing your workout, you might face off a few issues. To seize them, split squats are done in the following method:

  • Place your hands on your hips and take your left leg one step forward.
  • Lower down your body slowly ( as much as possible for you ).
  • Then, jump with enough force to propel both feet off the floor.
  • Land with your right leg forward. 
  • In the end, alternate back and repeat the whole process. 

Standing Military Press

The Standing Military Press looks very easy to perform, but it is not so. Focused lift in the Standing Military Press is the Bench Press. If you grab the rod in the same way which you use for bench press, then there’s isn’t much difference between both of them. However, the Military press has more benefits on your health, as compared to bench press. It is generally performed to build size and strength in your shoulders. A few tips and guides about SMP are listed below:

  • It is better to do Military Press while in a Squat. 
  • Start with a barbell set up in the rack at mid-chest height.
  • Grab the bar with good grip while keeping your shoulders slightly width-apart, and your palm facing forwards. 
  • Now, to position yourself from squat to quarter squat, you need to stand close to the bar. Also, keep your feet together. 
  • As the bar level is exactly about your chin, make sure that elbows are pointing forward rather than flaring out. 
  • It’s time to start the workout now. Take a sharp breath and start doing reps. 

Similarly, there's another exercise for breaking the powerlift PRS. That is, Bottoms Up Good Morning. Perform this exercise as well. The most attractive thing about it is that it has transferable benefits, i.e recruit muscle fibers and produce force. For more about it, click on the Contact button and find a way to talk to us. 

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