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Thigh Workout of 4 Minutes Only
Thigh Workout of 4 Minutes Only

Time is a precious blessing of God Almighty. We often skip our workout due to a shortage of time. But here is the solution to it. This 4-minute daily thigh workout is enough to fulfill your workout requirements. Doing these workouts will strengthen your muscles and will give you more leg power to do cardio. Also, it may help to gain thigh muscles and weight too. Without wasting any time, let us discuss these four-minute thigh workouts in detail and find out the best and correct method of doing it. 

Side Squat

You will be very much aware of the side squat, as it a frequent workout. From the total 4 minute time, spend 60 seconds on the side squat. To perform side squat correctly, you need a small dumbbell or a weighted object to challenge your body. Stand up straight on the floor while your arms at your side and the shoulders-width apart. Right after taking one step to your right, sit back into a squat, and raise your arms to a comfortable position. Now change the side and repeat the process for 30 minutes. In total, complete the round in one minute only. 

Plié leg lift

Plié Leg lift is a very pleasing exercise to perform, and it does not require any equipment. Stand in a Plié Squat position, remember that hands-on your side, toes should be pointed out, and feet wide than the shoulder-width. After this, squat down while pushing your hips back. Repeat the workout for each side and complete the whole round in a minute. 

Single-Leg Bridge

Single-leg bridge can be pretty hard for those people who are chubby and weigh more. However, it has a vast amount of health benefits on your thigh. The equipment required for the single-leg bridge is a mat, plus a small dumbbell or weight if you are looking to challenge your body. Method to perform it is listed below:

  • Start lying face-up on a mat while your knees bent with feet on the floor and palms facing down. 
  • Lift your right leg off the ground and keep the left leg bent. 
  • Now lift your pelvis toward the ceiling and press the left heel on the floor or mat. 
  • Give thirty seconds to each leg while slowly lowering down the back to the ground. 

Scissor Planks

It is more suitable to do scissor planks at the very end of your workout. Because performing it makes you feel tired and dull. But the good thing about it is that it will challenge you until the end. You need a hardwood floor and sheet or slider for each foot. Start the workout from a plank position along with towels and sliders positioned under each toe. Now, slowly drag your feet apart and brace your core & upper body. It is better to do this workout in two rounds, 30 seconds for each.

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