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Simple and Effective Methods to Release Anger
Simple and Effective Methods to Release Anger

Anger has been one of the major causes of different types of death, such as murder and suicide, etc. Waiting in long lines, driving a vehicle in a serious traffic jam, and many other things like this are some of the major reasons for anger. At times, it is good to be anger, as it keeps you away from stress and depression. However, staying upset over a long time can be destructive for you. Therefore, the removal and release of anger are crucial for one who wants to live with peace. For this, we are offering you some simple and effective methods of releasing anger. 

Take Deep Breaths

Take a few deep and long breaths for some time. Keep your eyes closed and clear your mind for a short interval of time. In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to overlook your breathing. For better results, find a chair or a place to sit comfortably. Now allow your mind, shoulders, and neck to relax. After this, breathe deeply through your nose and perform the exhaling process via the mouth. To some extent, it can be called a breathing exercise too.

Recite a Comforting Mantra

Repeating a sedative expression may make difficult feelings, including anger and frustration, easier to convey. Try repeating the following words in a slow tone “Everything Will be Fine” or “ It’s all okay”. Moreover, it will be a good practice if you add a small list of phrases on your phone. 

Try Visualization

Try to find happiness in every small moment. Start painting or drawing while boiling with anger. It will automatically calm your mind and body. The painting can be of an animal or an imaginary place that makes you feel happy and peaceful. 

Keep Moving Your Body

Sometimes sitting at a single place with no movement in body makes you feel bored. Thing boringness can cause anger to you. So to avoid it, you should continuously move your body after a specific interval of time. 

Express Your Frustration

Don’t keep everything inside. Express your feelings and frustrations to those who really care. It will give you relief.

Defuse Anger With Humor

Imagine how this situation would look to an outsider when you feel your anger bubbling up next? How could they find this funny? 

You will have more opportunities to see how unimportant little annoyances are in the big scheme of things by not taking yourself too seriously.

Similarly, other methods to release anger are listed below:

  • Check Your Perspective
  • Seek Help
  • Focus on What You Appreciate
  • Recognize Triggers and Find Alternatives
  • Change Your Surroundings

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