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What Are Different Types of Stretchings
What Are Different Types of Stretchings

Stretching has a vast amount of benefits to human fitness. It is very useful for those who do the gym. Stretching decreases muscle stiffness and increases range of motion. Moreover, it improves posture, helps to reduce or manage stress, and promotes circulation. Stretching can also reduce the risk of serious injuries. It is because stretching makes the bones and muscles strong. Another great advantage of stretching is that it can be done anywhere at any time. Now, you must be thinking of how should you stretch. 

Do stretching regularly and carefully. However, before stretching you must know completely about the two types of Stretching. Detail of these two types is given below.

Dynamic Stretching

The first and probably the most commonly performed type of stretching is the Dynamic Stretching. This type of stretching requires you to move consistently and is very tough to perform. Dynamic Stretching is mostly done before the workout. Since the body is always in moving state, therefore, it provides a warm-up for the kinds of exercises you will be completing. It is commonly performed by runners to warm up the muscles. Since it is done before workouts, hence the benefits of stretching before a workout are:

  • Increase Oxygen Flow: You expose your body to oxygen when you stretch out before a workout to have a smooth flow throughout. This will reduce the risk of aches and pains during your workout.
  • Workout Longer: Giving your muscles 5-10 minutes of TLC (Tender Loving Care) will give you a bit of stamina and courage to workout longer and better. 
  • It increases the body heat and flow of blood, which helps to loosen muscles and tendons. 
  • It improves the flexibility which is required for the specific sport by increasing the range of motion around the joints. 

Examples of Dynamic stretching includes trunk twists, walking lungs, or leg swings against a wall. 

Static Stretching

The other type of Stretching is Static. It is the opposite of Dynamic Stretching. Because it does not require continuous body movement.  The Static Stretching is usually done after the workout. In this type of Stretching, you hold your position to relax your muscles and promote flexibility after the workout. Some common examples of static stretching are mentioned below:

  • Minimize Injury and Pain
  • Muscle Gain
  • Head-to-Knee Forward Bend
  • Seated Butterfly Stretch
  • Cobra Pose or Cobra Stretch
  • Biceps Stretch
  • Overhead Triceps Stretch.

Moreover, the benefits of Static Stretching are as follow:

  • Greater Flexibility and Range of Motion
  • Less Pain  and Fitness
  • Improved Performance

In the end, a few safety tips about Static Stretching that you must keep in mind while doing it are mentioned below:

  • Don’t Stretch Beyond What’s Comfortable.
  • Be Gentle
  • Don’t Forget to Breathe.
  • Start Slowly.

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