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Healthy Substitutes of Butter
Healthy Substitutes of Butter

Butter is a nutrient provider food. It contains a large number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Butter is an excellent meal and is commonly used to maintain a healthy diet. It is a dairy product, obtained from churned milk, or cream. In churning of milk, the milk fats are separated from the liquid, and the remaining fat becomes the butter. But many people do not want to consume or eat butter. It can be due to the following reasons. 

  • It is a highly-saturated fat meal. 
  • It has an intolerance to casein. 
  • It has lactose intolerance. 
  • It can gain unnecessary weight. 

Therefore, we will provide some best alternatives for butter that can be trustfully used. 

Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the best alternatives to butter. Olive oil has a vast amount of benefits for human health. Most Mediterranean dishes use it. Yes, it's a distinct butter replacement, but it cannot be used as a baking substitute. It is because the baked food requires fats and proteins to stay in the solid-state. Whereas Olive oil has fewer fats and proteins than butter. Furthermore, it can also be used for improving blood sugar control and lowering cholesterol. 


Ghee is also a semi-solid alternate of butter. It is clarified butter with a distinctive nutty taste and aroma. Ghee is just like coconut oil. And can be used for both cooking and baking purpose. Moreover, it is quite easy to find.  

Greek Yogurt

For a healthy breakfast, greek yogurt is the best choice in place of butter. It is a high-protein product and is good for use in baking recipes. Greek yogurt can also some tanginess to the recipe. 


For a healthy breakfast, greek yogurt is the best choice in place of butter. It is a high-protein nutrient and is suitable for use in baking recipes. Greek yogurt can also add some tanginess to the dish.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is entirely different from Olive oil and is possibly the best choice for baking. In this way, it can be a good substitute for butter. The oil has a distinct taste, and it alters the taste of baked foods as well. Furthermore, Coconut oil may offer some additional health benefits to the user. 

Nut Butter

There are many varieties of this type of butter. Some of them are derived from almonds and some from peanuts. As the nut butter adds healthful fat and nutrients to recipes. Therefore, it can be considered similar to an avocado. Excluding all these alternates of butter, there are three additional substitutes of butter as well. These three are:

  • Pumpkin purée
  • Mashed Bananas
  • Applesauce

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