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How to Get Rid of Muffin Top
How to Get Rid of Muffin Top

A dialect term habitually used to describe the skin or body fat of the waistline of a man or woman is referred to as Muffin Top. Everyone loves these Muffins Crazily. But to be honest, it is fat that gets accumulated right above your butts. Muffin Top prevents you from having six-packs or a tight belly. That is why the removal of a muffin top is important. If you are interested in the removal of a Muffin top and want to look more fit & healthy, then you can try the exercises described below.

Candlestick Dipper
The first and a common exercise to get rid of Muffin Top is Candlestick Dipper. Candlestick Dipper was introduced by a famous Pop Pilates trainer, CasseyHo. To perform Candlestick Dipper, follow these steps:

  • Get down on your knees with your abs tight and back straight. 
  • Then straight down your right leg to your side. Remember, during the whole position, make sure your knees are straight and not drooping. 
  • Now, Raise your hand straight overhead and bend your fingers together. Go as long as you can and try to be parallel to the floor. 
  • Do 15 dips and repeat the process on the other side. 

Hip Dip
In order to get rid of Muffin top, cardiovascular exercises are very useful. One such example of it is the Hip Dips workout. It is amazingly effective in toning those obliques and the entire waistline. Get down into the plank position with your abs tightened and follow down these steps:
  • Lower into the Forearm Plank by bending your elbows.
  • Then roll down to your left side into a forearm side plank and stack your right leg. 
  • Start the workout and do dips 10 times. 
  • Change the side and repeat the whole process.

Rolling Plank
It is a classic plank exercise, that tones your entire midsection. Rolling plank is a very common and effective cardiovascular exercise, as it involves moving of the body. The exercise is very easy to do. All you need to do is:
  • Get Down in a Standard Plank with your Arms Straight. Keep the abs tight and make sure that your hands are directly under shoulders.
  • Roll your left side on the plank and then change the side.
  • Keep alternating the sides and complete 10 rolls each side. 

Butt Lift
It is a common exercise and you can do it anywhere and anytime. Butt Lift is not only good for getting rid of a Muffin top but is also helpful for weight gain. Moreover, it tones your lower abs, obliques, muffin tops and lifts your butt. Lie down on the floor on your back while keeping your feet flat. Lift up your hip as high as you can in a straight line from knee to shoulders. Then drop it back down and repeat the process for 15-20 times. You can also try the following exercises:
  • Hips Twist
  • Bicycle Crunches
  • Russian Twist
  • Heatwave

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