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Tips to Increase Optimism and Reduce Anxiety
Tips to Increase Optimism and Reduce Anxiety

More than 40 million people are being currently affected by anxiety due to various reasons. It is stated from experts that people have a negativity bias which retains their attention and makes them feel stressful and anxious. But the research has also demonstrated that this can be proven wrong via several optimism practices. Some of these practices will be discussed here in detail. Just be courageous and conscious of yourself. Also, try to face the problems with utter fearlessness. Some ways to increase optimism and reduce anxiety are listed below.

Change Your Brain
Always try to keep yourself busy in other kinds of work. This will keep your mind busy in your interest and you will not think about your anxiety. The brain is very flexible and malleable. It is easily changeable and can form new connects between other parts of the brain that don’t communicate that much. This process may take a bit of time, but it can be very effective to remove anxiety from the brain and give you mental satisfaction and relaxation for some time. 

Try to be Fearless
Another method to increase optimism and reduce anxiety is by breakdown the fear roaming inside you. Mostly, people who have chronic anxiety tend to have catastrophic thinking that involves too much fear of happening such things, that wouldn’t happen. Such people are living a very hard and challenging life with no mental relaxation. Therefore, remove fear from yourself and be strong and intelligent to face the problems. 

Live in a Society of Optimists
This is another great or probably the best method of increasing optimism. It is advised to surround yourself with optimists. This will automatically make you feel and live like them. Indeed, make an appointment once in a month for an optimist and take precautionary measures. However, if there’s a doubt in your mind that optimism does not affect anxiety, it may not prove to be an effective or useful method then. 

Do Outing and Keep Yourself Fresh
Doing outing, visiting various places like historical places, resorts, parks, and huge shopping malls, etc. can keep your mind and body fully fresh and relaxed. Being in touch with nature and being present by seeing, feeling, hearing, and smell, etc. can shift your frame of reference.

Always Pass a Smile
Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about. Indeed, a smile is the best layout anyone can wear. A smiling face means a smiling heart. And a smiling heart means a smiling mind. Therefore, try to smile in every condition and enjoy your life. No anxiety can dare to depress you.  Other methods include:

  • State a Position Intention Every Day. always think, feel, and say positive. Be patient and keep a firm belief in yourself. 
  • Make a shortlist of people who make you feel good. After making it, try to spend most of your time with them and keep yourself busy.

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