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ASMR Trigger To Overcome Sleep, And Anxiety
ASMR Trigger To Overcome Sleep, And Anxiety

ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. These meridians are available everywhere now. Nowadays, everyone is busy on social media, talking about his favorite triggers. Even the youtube is full of vloggers, telling about their stories, etc. Yet, it all matters on what triggers suits you to remove sleep and anxiety from yourself. And if you are unable to find out the required triggers and still searching for that infamous tingling sensation, then you can try the ASMR triggers, which will be discussed here. The most common and effective triggers are chosen for you. 

Sounds are of two types. The sound which makes you feel pleasant is music. And the sound which makes you feel unpleasant and disturbed is considered as noise. To remove anxiety from yourself, you need to hear something special and pleasant to you. In other words, music is one of the most common ASMR triggers used nowadays. However, sometimes the noise effects much more than music. A few common sounds that can help you relief sleep and anxiety are:

  • Whispering:
    Several studies have concluded that gentle whispering can result in feelings of calmness and relaxation. 

  • Scratching:
    This ASMR trigger can be slightly controversial as compared to others. Even though it is a popular one, but still, it can rub some people in the wrong way. 

  • Blowing:
    It has similar effects to that of whispering. This ASMR trigger can send you off to a good night’s sleep. 

  • Tapping:
    Similar to the above-mentioned triggers, but it generally involves the sounds of nail tapping on various surfaces. These surfaces include glass, wood, and other promoting relaxations.
Other voices include page-turning, writing, typing, clinking, Humming, Buzzing, Chewing, Sticky Fingers, Water Drops, Cat Purring, Motor Humming, and Ticking Clock. These triggers might look mysterious and strange, but it has positive effects on your mental health. 

Those ASMR triggers were Sound effective. Now, let us discuss the situational triggers. These triggers include words as well as pictures & videos. Surprisingly, some words can trigger a sleepy ASMR response. Situational Triggers are as follows:
  • Personal Attention
  • Role-Play
  • Eye Contact
  • Certain Words

The remaining ASMR triggers for relieving anxiety and sleep are all visual. In other words, for such triggers, you do not need to listen to the sound. Instead the visual is designed so strong that it proves to be enough for ASMR response. These visual triggers are:
  • Light Patterns
  • Paint Mixing
  • Color Swatching
  • Hand Movements
  •  Watching Someone Concentrate
Remember! These ASMR trigger does not affect everyone. Indeed, there’s barely any science to prove how or why ASMR triggers exist. If you aren’t completely satisfied yet and want to know more about it, then contact us at any moment. 

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