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Some Yoga Poses For Neck Pain Relief
Some Yoga Poses For Neck Pain Relief

Yoga is considered as one of the best classical exercises for physical and mental satisfaction and relaxation along with a flexible and healthy life. Nowadays, neck pain has become a common condition for everyone. It can happen due to several causes or factors. These factors may include daily activities that involve a forward movement pattern, poor posture, and habit of holding your head in one position. Since the neck pain doesn’t take much time to develop itself in the body, hence it must be treated as soon as possible, in order to avoid serious threats. Because, if the pain reaches the shoulder or your back, it becomes unbearable. It can even result in heavy headache or even injury. Yoga may be useful in treating even chronic neck pain. Here are a few poses for relief from it.

Standing Forward Bend Pose
Get into a proper standing position with your feet under your hips. Try to bring your hands to your feet or the floor. During this, don’t forget to keep your legs straight. Tuck your chin into your chest, and let your head and neck feel fully relaxed. Hold this position for at least one minute and then get back to the normal position again. You can also repeat the process two times.

Warrior II Pose
This type of yoga pose helps you to open and strengthen your chest and shoulders to support the neck. Bring your right foot forward. While taking the left foot back with your toes facing out to the left at a slight angle. Follow other rules of it and keep in the position for 30 seconds. After the measured time, change the direction and side. 

Extended Triangle Pose
The third and probably the most effective way to relieve the back pain is via yoga through an extended triangle pose. It also helps to remove tension from your neck, shoulder, and upper back.  Jump, step, or walk your feet apart so that they’re wider than ur hips. First, turn the right toes forward and you're left out an angle. Perform the workout and complete the pose for 30 seconds. Then change the side and repeat the process for the left foot. During this, remember to take down your arms as well, while moving the neck in the opposite direction. If these poses are not enough to take out all your neck pain relief, then you can try a few other ones. These include:

  • Thread the Needle Pose
  • Cow Face Pose
  • Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
  • Sphinx Pose
  • Extended Puppy Rose
  • Child’s Pose
  • Legs-up-the-wall Pose
  • Corpse Pose
Since these poses are designed to treat a specific ailment, hence it is important to must follow its safety tips. If you are not fully satisfied yet, then contact us to learn further useful details about it. 

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